iglü server


This is the iglü server project, which contains most of the work we have done. It it a self-contained project, which includes:

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iglü server is the web server and control system for the smart home. Its purpose is to control home appliances and Internet-connected devices. It is self-contained, handling access-control among other things, and should work without Internet connection.


A configuration file is automatically generated when run, Dark Sky API is required for weather information, but is not required to run the app.

Technical Stack

The server is written in Go, and uses the macaron web framework and XORM for the object-relational mapping library. We have built a custom plugin API which runs over Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) using HashiCorp’s go-plugin library.

For the front-end, iglü uses MDBootstrap for the basic design, which we have built upon. And to provide more interactivity and better user experience quickly, we have used jQuery. Other libraries are used such as Chart.js, FontAwesome, and Skycons (from Darksky) to add dynamic graphical elements on the page.

These are some libraries and frameworks we have used to speed up development so we could focus on the product.

Building and Running

To build and run iglü, you require the following packages:

Then clone the project, build, and run it.

$ git clone https://github.com/Nacdlow/iglu-server
$ cd iglu-server
$ make
$ ./nacdlow-server run [--port 443] [--dev]

No database set-up is required, all required tables will be created automatically on an SQLite database file.